【同义词辨析】 2018-11-16 范围range-orbit
range: is a general term indicating the extent of one's perception or the extent of powers, capabilities, or possibilities: the entire ~ of human experience. (extent范围,基础词,词根tend,tent,tens表示伸展to stretch。动词extend也是基础词, 表示任何扩展,能解释替换其他词但一般不能被其他词解释。词组to a certain/large extent等于to a certain/high degree中文习惯统一说成某种/很大程度上,如this, to a large extent, is my fault这很大程度上是我的错)
gamut: suggests a graduated series running from one possible extreme to another: a performance that ran the ~ of emotions.
compass: implies a sometimes limited or bounded extent of perception, knowledge, or activity: your concerns lie beyond the narrow ~ of this study. (bound 1、局限限制 2、跳跃上升,如股票价格 3、通往前往, 如U.S-bound plane开往美国的飞机=a plane bound for the U.S,bound是通过划定外部边缘来限制,是limit的一种,名词boundary是边界border的基础词, 如Kirgizia is bounded by Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan吉尔吉斯与乌兹别克斯坦、哈萨克斯坦和塔吉克斯坦接壤)
sweep: suggests extent, often circular or arch-shaped, of motion or activity: the book covers the entire ~ of criminal activity.
scope: is applicable to a predetermined and limited area of activity that is somewhat flexible within those limits: as time went on, the ~ of the investigation widened.
reach: suggests an extent of perception, knowledge, ability, or activity attained to or experienced by stretching out: a goal well within ~.
orbit: suggests an often circumscribed range of activity or influence in which forces work toward accommodation: within that restricted ~ they tried to effect social change. (accommodation和解调整适应: an agreement between different people enabling them to exist together, 如they reached an accommodation with Japan他们和日本达成和解) (circumscribe限制=limit, circum词根表示circle圆周四周,scribe/script表示to write写,字面意思是在周围划线就是限制, 如there are laws circumscribing the right of individual citizens to cause bodily harm to others法律限制公民权利,不得对他人人身伤害)
range范围: 通用表示范围,gamut全范围: 表示从一个极端到另一个的递进序列,compass小范围: 指有限受局限的范围,sweep动作范围: 表示动作活动的范围,常是圆弧形,scope范围: 可以表示固定有限但内部灵活的活动范围,reach范围: 表示伸手能及的范围,orbit轨道范围: 表示有限的范围内各力量互相调节适应
记忆方法: 1) 首字母RGCSSRO重组成GROSS RC总资源(resource)<==决定了范围
2) 范围的意思是能覆盖或控制的范围mean the extent that lies within the powers of something to cover or control.首字母RGCSSRO重组成GROSS RC总资源(resource)<==决定了范围